Job Detail
Proposed Salary Full Tuition Plus, For UK Students, An Enhanced Stipend Of £15,285 Tax Free Per Annum For Up To 3.5 Years.
Career Level Managerial
Experience Less Than 1 Year
Gender Any
Industry Education
Qualifications PhD
Email Feps Pgr [email protected]
Job Description
Project title: Studying Drug Delivery Deep inside Tissues using Non-invasive Imaging Techniques
Supervisory Team: Prof Sumeet Mahajan (UoS), and Dr Diane Williamson (Dstl)
Project description
Drug delivery platforms are needed to target therapy to required locations and to improve its efficacy. However, key to developing and optimising such drug delivery platforms is the ability to monitor, visualise and evaluate them on their performance in vivo deep inside tissues. Currently techniques which can provide specific information on the drug delivery vehicles and the cargo, monitoring their fate over a prolonged period in cells/tissues but without any invasive procedures do not exist. Nano or micro particles comprise a promising platform technology that can be used to deliver a variety of drugs (both hydrophilic and hydrophobic) including anti-microbials. Label-free techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and coherent Raman imaging offer a non-invasive and non-destructive way to characterise and image such drug delivery platforms. In this project these approaches for intracellular and tissue imaging will be developed and used to answer questions exploring nano/micro particles as viable drug delivery systems.
Entry Requirements
A very good undergraduate degree (at least a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent) in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bioengineering and allied subjects/relevant disciplines. Enthusiasm to work in an interdisciplinary environment with a strong interest in analytical spectroscopy, novel microscopy and imaging techniques is highly desirable. Training in all areas of the PhD will be provided as well as opportunities for professional development will be available. All PhD students are encouraged and supported to participate in national and international conferences.
Closing date: Applications will be considered on a rolling basis till a suitable candidate is found but no later than 31st May 2021 for standard admissions, but later applications may be considered depending on the funds remaining in place.
Funding: full tuition plus, for UK students, an enhanced stipend of £15,285 tax-free per annum for up to 3.5 years.
How To Apply
Applications should be made online selecting “PhD Chemistry (Full time)” as the programme. Please enter Sumeet Mahajan under the Topic or Field of Research.